Inauguration of the Palestinian International Arbitration Chamber

“Thanks to the Umbria Region for playing the best practices of the Italian system of international cooperation” these are the words of the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso in Ramallah during the inauguration of the Palestinian Chamber of Arbitration.

Ramallah – On June 26, the President of the Senate, the Honourable Pietro Grasso, on a visit to Jerusalem and Palestine, presided in Ramallah, in the headquarters of Al Tire, the inauguration of the activities of the PIAC: Palestinian International Arbitration Chamber. The PIAC project is funded by the Italian Cooperation – Ministry of Foreign Affairs-and under the direction of the Region of Umbria as coordinator of cooperation activities of the Italian regions in the Middle East and the management of Sviluppumbria. For results obtained for its coordination and management in Palestine, Senate President thanked the Region of Umbria: “the excellent results achieved with the PIAC project are testament to good practice in international cooperation activities to be taken as an example for the future”, adding that, “thanks to the efforts of the Umbria Region has also occurred an extraordinary synergy between different components of the Italian system; it is desirable to be able to continue with the support of those small-medium sized businesses who choose to invest, now being able to use the arbitration clause in their contracts …. PIAC “, mainly because for the first time , the statute of a chamber international sees recognized as an official language also Italian.

Professor Maurizio Oliviero, University of Perugia, scientific director of the project, during the ceremony stressed that “This project demonstrates that the development towards democracy is always a process that starts from the bottom , from the civil society and from the national and international cooperation. Who looks at this part of the world no longer think of exporting democracy, but it should work for this will become the result of a natural process. “

The Honourable Grasso concluded by stressing the importance of the PIAC that “will facilitate the promotion of economic and trade relations, working for the resolution of international disputes in accordance with the fundamental principles of transparency and political independence.” The PIAC will act according to the international UNCITRAL, in full autonomy and independence from any political institution and government.

The strategic importance of the initiative was finally confirmed by the Consul General in Jerusalem Davide La Cecilia, who has confermed “the support of the Italian Government to the PIAC project will continue in the future.”

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