Begin the Activities of Arbitration PIAC

Thursday june 26 Official Ceremony in Ramallah With the President of the Senate of the Italian republic Pietro Grasso and Delivery of Certificates Of Enabling the Referees.


Ramallah. It will be the President of the Senate of the Italian Republic to kick off the official start of the activities of the Palestinian International Arbitration Chamber. The Honourable Peter Grasso, along with representatives of the Palestinian Presidency and the Palestinian associations founders, will preside in fact the opening ceremony that will take place at the offices of PIAC in Ramallah, Thursday 26 June from 12.00 to 14.00. Always on Thursday 26 , in the afternoon , from 17.30 , guests of the new theater built by the Palestine Red Crescent which is inside the building in Ramallah -Al Birhe ( roadside Ramallah – Jerusalem ) is fixed the ceremony for delivery of qualification certificates to the first referees PIAC.

The PIAC project is began two years ago  and is funded by the Italian Cooperation and by the Umbria region.

The scientific direction and l’University of Perugia, partners of the Palestinian Presidency and of the main palestinian professional associations and of organizations of category: those of Engineers, Lawyers, Builders and Industry, together with the Federation, which groups the 13 Chambers of commerce. The PIAC started its activities of domestic and international arbitration, after a first phase dedicated to the elaboration of the Statute of Palestinian International Arbitration Chamber, at the election of its members (the President is the Eng. Ahmad Edaily) and the opening of offices in Ramallah, in the Al Tire. The activities basic training for judges / referees were conducted from February to May of this year and the final exams of 18 May last year had led to abilitatazione of the top 26 international umpires and 38 referees allowed.

With the initiatives planned in Ramallah, on 26 June the PIAC officially announces the start of its activities. In Palestine will soon therefore as a function  the International Arbitration, which will act according to the international ANCITRAL law and on the basis of a statute and a regulation to ensure full autonomy and independence from any political institution and government, are international regulations which impose the arbitration.

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It was announced that the offices of the PIAC are available for any questions and are open from Sunday to Thursday, from 9.30 to 14.30.


PIAC Ramallah-Al Tira, Babil Building 143, George Habash roundabout Tel 00972 (0) 2 2987178.

Project Manager

Moreno Caporalini

Mob.00972 (0) 595 551 771